

Management of Forestry Products and Sevices

Through an end-to-end integrated and managed supply chain of all forestry products.

About Codrin Group

Codrin Group is an evolution of the parent company

which was created in 2012 with just about 1,500 USD in capital from local sales. We always had the vision to integrate and manage the end-to-end forestry value chain that could be a one-stop solution for all stakeholders in forestry and related industries. We wanted to improve the customer experience by ensuring the management of the entire supply chain ourselves, and eventually, we got there. We went global in 2017, changing our focus to international markets, with a 100% shift of portfolio to export-driven supplies, with a small seed investment raise internally. Two years later, we became the largest wood exporters in Colombia. 2021 marked our foray beyond the borders of Colombia, seeking further expansion. We eventually expanded our footprint into native hardwoods in Panama In 2021, and in 2022, we further added plantation hardwoods in Panama and pine from Brazil and Uruguay to our portfolio.
Along with the geographical expansion, we also expanded our footprint in other forestry sectors and services, including forestry and plantation management, harvesting and maintenance, carbon sequestration and credits analysis, and Non-Timber Forestry Products valuation and value chain analysis.
Our services, therefore, are categorized into 3 aspects: 1. Codrin Green, where we sell forestry products and services, 2. Codrin Carbons, where we do viability analysis for the carbon credit projects with small and medium-scale landowners in Colombia, 3. Codrin Derivatives, where we focus on physical derivatives from the forestry segment with an acute focus on Non-Timber Forestry Produce (NTFP) through community engagement and accumulation models.


Our Mission

At Codrin Group, we knew we could revolutionize the international forestry product market by integrating and participating in every aspect of the value chain to provide our customers with the best experience with consistency and transparency. Thus, as an international forestry product and services supplier, we knew we had to innovate and integrate along the supply chain to become a one-stop solution for our partners, suppliers, and customers to provide a holistic solution.

That meant that we needed to ensure that we planted the trees ourselves and worked with local communities and landowners to ensure that our supply could be sustainable for our business and the environment. We worked with landowners to develop and study and establish viable alternate revenue streams, to maximise the returns. With control over the supply chain, we have improved the customer experience like never before by making sure we could deliver our products and services to our customers as promised consistently and regularly.


What Our Customers Say

Reynaldo Escobar
Reynaldo Escobar
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Any company that has a full buffet of solutions in their sector like Codrin Group can only grow. And it is companies like these which make a difference in the sector.
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
Dai Loi Trading
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One thing that always marks Codrin and its earlier avatar is the fact that when you order from Codrin, the product is delivered like a Clock Work. Same thing over and over again. Predictability is unmatched.
Luciano Nunes
Luciano Nunes
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The thought of the sector integration, bringing products in the same buffet as services is a unique approach and futuristic. Eventually, all companies will have to think differently, like CG. What sets them apart is that CG focuses on a community-first approach.
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Love their services, fast and work very efficiently.


Our Portfolio


Contact us now!

Codrin Group is an international forestry product supplier dedicated to supplying forestry products to international markets through an integrated end-to-end managed supply chain of all forestry products. Write to us today to get more insights on our offerings!


Dedicated to International Supply Chain Management of Forestry Products

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