

Codrin Forestry Derivatives


An Overview of Codrin Forestry Derivatives

At Codrin Group, we specialize in physical derivatives from the forestry sector. Our team of experts develops comprehensive models and strategies to identify marketable tree species which can generate revenue for local communities.

We believe in creating sustainable economic development through ecological conservation that ensures a mutually beneficial outcome for both the environment and local communities. Our approach is based on carefully managed practices that combine traditional knowledge with modern technology to ensure long-term success.

Our team has extensive business strategy development and financial analysis experience to deliver the most appropriate solutions for each project. We provide all the necessary services, including market assessments, cost-benefit analyses, investment appraisals, and various technical and financial services customized to meet our client’s specific needs.

We are here to help you succeed in the forestry sector, so contact us today to get started on your project.


Non-Timber Forestry Products (NTFP)

Our Codrin Forestry Derivatives subsidiary has an acute focus on Non-Timber Forestry Products (NTFP). These products typically include wild edible plants, nuts and fruits, honey and bee products, medicinal plants, resins, tannins, fibers, and bamboo.

NTFPs offer a unique opportunity for communities to benefit from their local forests by providing additional sources of income that do not require the destruction of the natural environment. NTFPs also provide a range of environmental benefits, including soil conservation and pest control.


Valuation Services

Codrin provides comprehensive valuation services for all types of NTFPs. Our team comprises professionals from multiple disciplines with extensive experience working with forestry organizations and communities in both developed and developing countries.

We use a combination of bio-economic models to accurately identify each product’s current market value and project potential future values over time. We then use this date to negotiate fair prices between buyers and sellers, ensuring that local communities get a fair market value for their products.

Identifying Marketable Tree Species

In addition to providing valuation services for NTFPs, we also assist communities in identifying which tree species are most suitable for generating revenue. We employ research-driven approaches to identify species that can be sustainably harvested or cultivated without compromising biodiversity or endangering existing wildlife populations. Through our efforts, we aim to help local communities find viable sources of income while preserving their unique ecosystems.

Collaborative Efforts with Local Communities

The Codrin Group has an ongoing commitment to working collaboratively with local communities to manage forestry derivatives portfolios. We believe in building strong relationships between buyers and sellers, which requires trust, transparency, and a thorough understanding of each parties' needs.

Our team works closely with community representatives to ensure that all stakeholders have access to accurate data about the available market value for each product and any potential risks associated with its collection or cultivation.


Ready To Get Started

At Codrin, we understand that forestry derivatives require a tailored approach to ensure success. Our team of experts is here to help you navigate the complexities of the market and capitalize on opportunities in order to make your project profitable.

Contact us today to discuss how we can work together towards achieving your goals.


Contact us now!


Dedicated to International Supply Chain Management of Forestry Products

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